Inharmonic Fantasy No. 8
Hubert Howe
Fixed media audio

composer's note: In my Inharmonic Fantasies, I explore various ways of employing structured inharmonic partials to create new and interesting sounds. In previous works, I have squeezed the components of a sound into small intervals, ranging from an octave and a fifth to as small as a perfect fourth. While these create quite interesting sounds in higher octaves, they do not work as well for lower sounds. In this work, I employ frequency shifting, which allows the partials to be spread over much wider intervals. The process involves taking the first 24 partials of a tone and shifting them up arithmetically by about the interval of a perfect fourth, preserving the distance between the partials but not the ratio between them, so that they are no longer in a harmonic relationship. The components of each tone are introduced either as a complex envelope, where they each fade in and out over the course of the duration, or are attacked individually and then fade out. Different sections of the piece use different numbers of components and different partial sequences. The piece was composed in 2018 and generated by the csound program.
Authored (or revised): 2018
Duration (minutes): 10