Giving: Support ACA

Support ACA
Paypal Giving Fund (ACA receives full donation)
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The American Composers Alliance manages a major collection of American concert music with a curated catalog of over 12,000 scores from a diverse group of more than 300 American composers of the 20th/21st centuries. ACA introduces new works, preserves historical works, and develops innovative ways to increase public engagement and performance opportunities.
ACA's music catalog—a continuum of creativity from ACA's founding to the present—is a living growing treasure of American cultural heritage.
Your support can help us create access to historical works in this collection, support and promote the work of affiliated composers and form commissioning partnerships that can nurture new music as a force in American cultural life.
Your gift can help us:
create new digital and print editions of manuscript and historical works by a diverse group of American composers.
support for ACA staff to broaden the scope of professional endeavors and enhance access to the ever-growing catalog for performing organizations and academic institutions.
Please help us with our mission to enhance the reach of this extraordinary and constantly growing collection of outstanding new music.
Donations are accepted by
Check (US bank only)
American Composers Alliance
244 Fifth Avenue, Suite G250
New York, N.Y. 10001
Paypal (3%+ fee)
Paypal Giving Fund (ACA receives full donation)
Donor Advised Funds
Gifts of stocks and/or securities (through Vanguard)
Bequests - Planned gift opportunities
Volunteer opportunities - skilled musical support, website and clerical work.
ACA is affiliated with Google Nonprofits, Paypal Giving Fund, Guidestar,
New York State Charities Bureau, BMI, ASCAP, HFA, MPA, and The MLC.
Donor categories/levels
$ 1,000 + Benefactor legacy
$ 400-999 Patron virtuosi
$ 100-399 Angel perfect pitch
$ 1-99 Friend harmony
“ACA has been a valuable asset in my career. It continues to support my music, provides access to scores for interested musicians, creates unique publications such as my Memory Book (2021), is always responsive to requests, diligently tracks income for royalties and so much more. They are by far the most significant supporter of modern music that I am aware of.” --T.J. Anderson, composer
“ACA is a haven in a world where publishers can suppress composers’ works, as easily as promote them.” --Virginia Kay, Estate of Ulysses Kay
"The American Composers Alliance is an invaluable aid to living composers, maintaining our music in a widely used catalog, providing licensing arrangements, compiling anthologies, notifying us of performance and recording opportunities, and providing continued accessibility for our music through a legacy program." -Elizabeth Vercoe, composer
“As Performing Arts Curator for Columbia University's Rare Book & Manuscript Library, my mission is not only to safeguard but also to promote the works of composers such as Ulysses Kay whose papers are at RBML. The American Composers Alliance has been an enormous help in getting more of Kay's works published. In addition to ACA's mission to promote the music of living composers, they have also allowed a new generation to have access to more of Kay's compositions, when he cannot do that himself, having died in 1995. As a non-profit organization they understand that providing access to these otherwise lost works may not lead to great profits, their mission being much more aligned with that of Columbia, being also non-profit. However, we are not a publishing house, and so being able to partner with ACA solves the problem of how to bring these scores to life. Otherwise, they sit quietly in their temperature and humidity-controlled storage, in acid-free folders and boxes, but do not live again to be heard in actual performance. The work of the ACA is a vital part of this mission.” --Jennifer B. Lee, Curator, Performing Arts Collections, Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Columbia University
“ACA continues to be an indispensable ally to the Karl Weigl Foundation. In addition to its prescribed role in making the music of Karl and Vally Weigl available to musicians worldwide, ACA has, on a routine basis: taken initiatives to upgrade the Weigl catalog, provided suggestions on marketing and outreach, and helped resolve thorny issues relating to copyright and other publishers. Most importantly, Gina has served as informed and willing counsel on a host of critical issues facing the KWF as custodians of the Weigl music legacy. In summary, ACA is closely aligned with our own goals — and we cannot imagine having a better partner.” --Karl C. Weigl, President of the Karl Weigl Foundation, Estate of composers Karl and Vally Weigl.