Inharmonic Fantasy No. 13
Hubert Howe
Fixed Media

Composer's Note:
"Inharmonic Fantasy No. 13" is based on compressing all of the components into the interval determined by the fundamental frequency times the square root of 7 (2.64575), which amounts to an octave and a value between a major third and perfect fourth above the note (one octave 3.184 semitones). This represents pitch compression by an irrational number. This work is the thirteenth in a series of pieces I have written in order to create complex, evolving inharmonic sounds that include many different components that fade in and out over the course of a tone. The tones within each passage are spaced widely over the acoustic spectrum, usually three to four octaves. The work consists of numerous short passages that include different numbers of notes, densities, and rhythmic distributions. The inharmonic components are presented in ways that both fade in and out over the course of the tone or are attacked and decay separately. The piece was written in 2020 and synthesized using csound.
Authored (or revised): 2020
Duration (minutes): 7
First performance: July 18, 2020; Kazan, Russia