John Gibson
video with audio, fixed media
no score

Composer's note: edgewater is the end result of a trip to the beach at the crack of dawn to record the surf, uninterrupted by the sound of people or airplanes. At the beach, you can see the ocean for miles and, at the same time, notice the tiny creatures burrowing in the sand nearby. You can hear the roar of waves crashing far away and also the delicate rippling of currents running around your feet. Placing a camera a few inches above the incoming tide points up these differences in visible and audible scale. On a lazy beach, the imaginary can take over in your daydreams. In this piece, passages of natural soundscape intermingle with imaginary visions of the sand, water, and sound. The continuum between swirling ocean noise and razor-sharp pitch serves as an expressive resource in the imaginary passages.Low resolution sample: http://vimeo.com/johngibson/edgewater
Authored (or revised): 2018
Duration (minutes): 7