Between The Lines
Matthew Davidson

This work uses, as its sound source, an array of human voices, all of which are deceased political and/or historical figures. It is not intended to be entirely comprehensible at a first hearing as I wished to convey, in part, our cultural over-stimulation in comparison to say, 100 years ago. Musically, it is shaped as a canon, and (taking my inspiration from a comment by Dylan Thomas to the effect that what originally attracted him to language was not its meaning but its sound) I have assembled increasingly fragmented parts of speeches into a confusing labyrinth which will hopefully stimulate harsh emotion. How's that for a run-on sentence!
Between the Lines was realized at the Electronic Music Studios at the University of Toronto, and re-mastered in Studio A of the Experimental Music Studios, University of Illinois, Urbana, United States.
Authored (or revised): 1990
Published: 1990
Duration (minutes): 8
First performance: 28 Apr 2008 Realised in a 24/7 event ending on 5 May 2008 at the Bennington College Listening Room, Bennington College, Vermont, USA, for an installation entitled New Electronic Music from Australia and New Zealand.