Join the New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival 2016 for a series of 35 concerts, seven of which will take place June 5-7 at National Sawdust, 80 North Sixth Street, Brooklyn, in association with the New York Philharmonic's 2016 Biennial, and the remaining 28 concerts will be June 13-19 at the Abrons Arts Center, 466 Grand Street, Manhattan. Information on and tickets to these concerts is available on this and also this web sites.
Hubert Howe twill have two works on the series: music with video by Sylvia Pengilly featuring Inharmonic Fantasy No. 4 on Monday, June 6 at National Sawdust, and Harmonic Fantasy No. 2 for piano and electronic sounds on Saturday, June 18, with pianist Jonathan Howe. Joel Gressel's Deconstructing Maria, and Alice Shields' The Mud Oratorio will be performed on June 14th at Abrons Arts Center. Additional works throughout this series byMadelyn Byrne, Joel Chadabe, Tania Leon, Eric Lyon, and many others will be featured.
NYCEMF concert listings, all:
National Sawdust Concert Schedule
(Concerts 1-7)
Concert 1
Sunday, June 5, 3-5 PM
Thomas Dempster, melt
Gerald Eckert, Klangrume II
Damon Lee, Stumm
Fernando Laub, Consumation
Andrew Babcock, Ventriloquy
Tania Len, Axon
Paul Hembree, Apocryphal Chrysopoeia
Clelia Patrono, Tension and Release
Jeremie Jones, Silver Fix & Complex Systems
Aaron Einbond, Xylography
Andrew Walters, Red Plastic Bell Abstract
Margaret Schedel, QfwfQ
Concert 2
Sunday, June 5, 7-9:15 PM
Kari Vakeva, Sundog ii
Christopher Bailey, Composition for S#| Piano
Ari Frankel, inErnest
Ari Frankel, enCaged
Hanna Kim, Yellow Forest
Ken Ueno, Vedananupassana
Charles Nichols, At The Boundary
Lawrence Fritts, Musicometry I
Eric Evans. Homoousios
Katherine Liberovskaya and Phill Niblock, Timepiece/Maize
Concert 3
Sunday, June 5, 10-11 PM
Curated Concert: Ghost Voices
Concert 4
Monday, June 6, 5-6 PM
Curated Concert: The Scheherazade Project
Concert 5
Monday, June 6, 8-10:15 PM
Mark Zaki, Windows
Nicholas Cline, water-witching
Maurice Wright, Wo Klingend?
Fred Szymanski, Turbulence Convections
Elizabeth Hoffman, Fastenings
Hubert Howe & Sylvia Pengilly, Inharmonic Fantasy No. 4
Marc Ainger, Windswept
Clemens von Reusner, HO
Grant Luhmann, Arborea
Jeffrey Hass, Three Easy Recipes
John Nichols, The Pillar II
Concert 6
Tuesday, June 7, 5-6 PM
Curated Concert: Patricia Surman, Immediacy of Nowness
Concert 7
Tuesday, June 7, 8-10:15 PM
Eric Lyon, Little History of Photography
Stuart Cunningham, Noise without Noise
James Dashow, Soundings in Pure Duration 7
Ragnar Grippe, Spiders Web
Tuo Wang, IDB
Paolo Gatti, Poltergeist
Maja Cerar and Liubo Borissov, Autopoesis
Yasuhiro Otani, Reverie
Wuan-chin Li, Yi-an Huang, and Cheng-yen Yang, River
Joshua Mailman, Material Soundscapes Collide
Michael Gogins, Scrims
Howie Kenty, The Halls Within the Mirror
Abrons Arts Center Concert Schedule
(Concerts 8-35)
Monday, June 13
Concert 8
12:30-1:30 PM, Playhouse
Michael Musick, Precuneus: Sonic Space No. 8
Evan Phoenix Kent, Anthrophony I
Brady Hanson, Kitchennui
Yoon-Ji Lee, Liquid Noise
Brian Haller, Tangential
Derek Kwan, airportmusic
Giuseppe Dante Tamborrino, Strange Violin
Concert 9
2-3:30, Experimental Theater
Augusto Meijer, The Starry Night
Zhaoyu Zhang, Night Snow
Jeffrey Bowen, Ignition/Convection
Richard Garret, Penumbra
Seth Davis, Crystal Ball
Jing Yin, Waiting
Iacopo Sinigaglia, Buzz
Matthew Sargent, Living in the Pulsing Light
Larry Gaab, Weird Orbits Need Explaining
Katherine Holmes, Heaven and Earth
Tonalli Nokamura, Optic Nerve
Concert 10
4-5:45, Playhouse
Kyle Shaw, ej Guerrouj
Kyle Johnson, Im not really much of a talker
Mei-Fang Lin, Entre le son et la lumire
Amanda Cole, Vibraphone Theories
Ayako Sato, August, blue colored green
Marco Molteni, Effimere Emergenze, Eremi, Eclissi (ePWsM 03)
Federico Ortica, Landscape for bass clarinet
Stefan Meditz, Vorspiel
Xiao Fu, Longing
Concert 11
8-10:30, Playhouse
Judith Shatin, Plain Song
Roberto Zanata, Basia
Georg Hajdu, Just Her Jester Gesture
Galen Brown, God is a Killer
Hunter Long, the universe is no narrow thing
Takashi Miyamoto, Garan for Piano and Computer
Nobuaki Yashima, Homage to Fantasy
Hiromi Watanabe, Anamnse
Jelena Dabic, silk_road_reloaded
Madelyn Byrne, Northern Flight
Haerim Seok, Through the Contrabass
Dafna Naphtali, Audio Chandelier
Tuesday, June 14
Concert 12
12:30-1:30, Playhouse
Alice Shields, The Mud Oratorio
Concert 13
2-3:30, Underground Theater
Josh Simmons, INDRA/NET
Hiromi Ishii, Aquatic
Brian Kelly, Winter Meditation
Weilu Ge, Innerhearing
Joo Pedro Oliveira, Et Ignis Involvens
Alexander Sigman, Nudes
Kayoko Nakamura, Song for Northern Lights
Francisco Eme, Apparent Movement
Eddie Farr, Erium
Rob Hamilton, Carrilon
Concert 14
4-5:45, Playhouse
Gary DiBenedetto, Battle
Jennifer Hill, z-77
Ronald Parks, Deluge
Travis Garrison, New Directions in Automobile Repair and Demolition
Roberto Palazzolo, Materia
Momilani Ramstrum, Stopped in Time
Brett Gordon, cuelle
Joel Gressel, Deconstructing Maria
Dariusz Mazurowski, Depth of Field (Hidden Dimensions Part 3)
Nathaniel Haering, Resplendent Shards
Azumi Yokomizo, In a Dream
Concert 15
8-10:30, Playhouse
Mark Phillips, Waiting for Lucille
Liliya Ugay, Drawn in the Fog
David Taddie, Tracer
Pierre-Henri Wicomb, Solecism
Douglas Osmun, soliloquy
Nicole Carroll, Hand of Marseilles
Ted King-Smith, Soundtrack of an Open Road
Giovanni Costantini, Traccia sospesa
Eleazar Garzon, Invisible Voices
Una Monaghan, The Chinwag
David Ibbett, Branches
Clelia Patrono, Blue4Notes
Lou Bunk, Luna
Wednesday, June 15
Concert 16
12:30-1:30, Underground Theater
Curated Concert by Ursel Quint et. al.
Barry L. Roshto, Prelude
Christian Banasik, Kontaktanzeigen/Personals (I Am)
Annelie Nederberg, Feed Back
Johannes Quint, Magische Realismus
Ursek Quint, Looking for Contact
Snowkrash, Nederberg, Banasik, Reeder, Postlude
Concert 17
2-3:30, Experimental Theater
Navid Bargrizan, Lava Illogica
Francisco Eme, Cuerno de Chivo (Goats Horn)
Jon Anderson, Lati
George Karst, Poem IV
David Gedosh, Guitar Construction #2: Progressive Fracture
Benjamin Whiting, Illumina! Arabidopsis thaliana
Edgar Berdahl, rorrirmirror
Michael Clemow and John Paul Schlegelmilch, Waver: Analemma
Hanae Azuma, watercolor painting
Joel Pixley-Fink, Weighting
Concert 18
4-5:45, Playhouse
Jia Li, Water Imagination
Joshua Tomlinson, Convergences
Julius Bucsis, Stories from an Alien Pond
Fernando Egido, Cognitive Dissonance
Clarence Barlow, )ertur(
Francesco Galante, Let us free the earth from fixed immobility
Jerod Sommerfeldt, Dharma in Excelsis
Corey Cunningham, Bind up my Wounds
Patrick Long, Glyph Tropes
Concert 19
8-10:30, Playhouse
Christopher Biggs, Contraposition
Christian Banasik, Tree Blossoms II
Barry Schrader, Ravel
Mickie Willis, Corpora Nebulae
Steven Kemper, Lament for Flute and Computer
Jocelyn Ho, Sheng
Yuriko Kojima, Undulations for Violin and Max
Hans Peter Stubbe Teglbjaerg, Ripple Reeds
Thursday, June 16
Concert 20
12:30-1:30, Experimental Theater
Curated Concert by John Young
Spectral Journeys
Acousmatic Music from the Music, Tehcnology and Innovation Research Centre
at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK
Virginie Viel, Nyx
James Andean, Dchirure
Louise Rossiter, Rift
Simon Emmerson, Resonances
John Young, Brink
Concert 21
2-3:30, Underground Theater
Brian Hernandez, F.A.K. Video Triptych 2
Lauren Redhead, ijereja
Quixiao Li, Speak Softly Water
Francesc Marti, Speech 2
Francesco Bossi, Urban Landscape Fractures Milano
Jennifer Hutt, He War
Bruno Degazio and Christos Hatzis, Harmonia
Concert 22
4-5:45, Playhouse
Lucas Smith, Rati (2015) for fixed media
Maximilian Yip, Nightcall
Andre Brggre, Outtake
Michael Andrews, Creatures in the Gears
Juan Vasquez, Sibelius Collage
TM Duplantis, Downstream
Luigi Negretti Lanner, Altre voci (other voices)
Michael Lukaszuk, Przypadek
Joshua Armenta, Tres Gritos Para Mi Patria
Kamil Kosecki, Artificial Intelligence
Jaimie Hensley, Permeation
Sandra Gonzalez, Alegoras, para piano y sonidos electrnicos
Concert 23
8-10:30, Playhouse
Chia-I Lin, Sound in the glass jar
Yuri Spitsyn, Toccata (from Ignis Fatuus)
Michael Lukaszuk, All the moon long
Hibiki Mukai, Egomaniac II
Tyler Gilmore, Solo Set Piece Three for Microphone Feedback & Samples
Ai Negishi, Rainbird
Natoshi Osaka, Hybridization Collage
Gina Biver, The Cellar Door
Martina Clausen, dots&lines
Yiheng Wu, Relay/Replay
Doug Geers, Ripples
Cort Lippe, In the Shadow of Vulcan
Tim Chatwood, Flicker for Vibraphone Light and Effect
Nathan Bowen, Elevator Inspection
Joshua Mailman, Fluxations Full Body Comprovisation No. 1
Friday, June 17
Concert 24
12:30-1:30, Playhouse
Curated Concert by Alessandro Cazzato
Gesture and Frames
Alfred Schnittke, Praeludium in memoriam Dimitri Shostakovich
Philip Glass, Strung Out
Paolo Geminiani, Risonanze erranti (Multivision by Giulia Zoli Carlo Conti)
Paolo Geminiani, Gesture without motion
Joo Pedro Oliveira, Magma
Concert 25
2-3:30, Experimental Theater
Jason Mitchell, End of Message
Edmar Soria, Lasciate Ogne Speranza Voi Che Intrato
Massimo Avantaggiato, Vana Imago
Maria Mykolenko, silence and steel
Yiannis Christofides, Odas
Brian Sears, and veiled between
Gerriet K. Sharma, grrawe
Christopher Cook, The Blue Marble
Ana Santillan Alcocer, 6 tudes lectroniques
Concert 26
4-5:45, Playhouse
Charles Xavier, Dollar Brand
Dillon Henry, Cog
Brad Meyer, Hummingbrrd
Cesare Saldicco, I Camminatori, Resconto, audiovisio per isole erranti
Tom Williams, Home (Breath Replaced)
Bret Bohmann, Traces
Leonardo Cicala, Ideogrammi ad Anello
Timothy Polashek, Engravings for Prepared Snare Drum, ipad and computer
Concert 27
8-10:30, Playhouse
Angelo Bello, Lorem Ipsum
Caroline Louise Miller, Sadismusic I
Stephen Dydo and Susan Haire, Tipping Point
Joshua Groffman, Landscapes
Robin Cox, START
David Durant, The Crystalline Radiant Sky
Jeffrey Meyer, (not-so-serious) Ideas
Alba Battista, Les Axiomes de la Tentation
Konstantina Orlandatou, Constant Flowing
Jeff Morris and Joe Hertenstein, Shankcraft
Alexander Dupuis, Apparition Coil
Saturday, June 18
Concert 28
12:30-1:30, Experimental Theater
Music from the Diapason Archive
curated by Michael Schumacher
Alvin Lucier, Places
Roc Jimenez de Cisneros, Hands in the Air, Reach for the Laser
Bruce Andrews and Michael Schumacher, Unintending
Al Margolis III, What Makes a Sound (argument)?
Carl Stone, Cantipur
Alan Licht, Today I am a Fountain Pen
Stephen Vitiello, Winds After Hurricane Floyd
Concert 29
2-3:30, Underground Theater
Ian Clarke, The Laws of Nature
Christian Eloy & Krunoslav Pticar, Soupir bleu
Thomas Beverly, Dancing Tree
Eric Sheffield, Arbor I-V
Claudia Robles-Angel, Cologne:transformations
Carlos Johns-Davila, Nosotros, Criaturas Pintadas
Tommassi Rosati, Resound Nature
Roberto Musanti, Rotational Chaos
Samuel Pellman and Ella Gant, Mind Meld
Antonio DAmato, Opus III
Alejandro Brianza, Mikrokosmika
Concert 30
4-5:45, Playhouse
Thommy Wahlstrom, 2015 invention for EA no. 22
Selena Wellington, Flowers dont do anything
Wil Offermans, Tsuro-no-Sugumori
Kevin Gironnay, Ce vide qui dborde
Daniel Holmes, a quiet walk in a siren park
Chin Ting Chan, Rituals
Chet Udell, Gjallarhorn
Kyle Vanderburg, Remnants of Creation
Edgar Berdahl, thROW
Concert 31
8-10:30, Playhouse
Antonio Bonazzo, Violin Shake
Michael Rhoades, Reflections and Refractions
Gustavo Chab, etherea ethereal
Giorgio Nottoli, Ellenik
Takayuki Rai, Lucent Aquarelle for harp and computer
Sylvia Pengilly, The Syntax of Chaos
Hubert Howe, Harmonic Fantasy for Piano and Fixed Media
Stephen Beck, Vale Veneto Remix
Hiroshi Ebina, untitled_work_November
Joel Chadabe, One World 1
Boris Nazarov, East is the West Radio
Michael Gogins, Sevier
Brian Belet, Ion Trails (Cloud Chamber Storms)
Sunday, June 19
Concert 32
12:30-1:30, Underground Theater
Curated Concert by Jeff Morris
Fresh Minds Festival Highlights
Cedric Kiefer, unnamed soundsculpture
gruppoGruppo, Secret Lives
Ryo Ikeshiro, Construction in Zuangzhi
Per Bloland, Graveshift
Sylvia Pengilly, Maze
Jaroslaw Kapuscinski, Olis Dream
Bret Battey, Clonal Colonies I
Dennis H. Miller, point.line.plane
Concert 33
2-3:30, Experimental Theater
James Correa, The Italo Calvinbo Cities I: cities and the memory
Javier Garavaglia, Spatial Grains Soundscape No. 1
Nicoletta Andreuccetti, Living Voices
Miles Warrington, Across || Lines
David Reeder, and then what happened?
Hugh Lynch, Another September
Concert 34
4-5:45, Playhouse
Patricia Martinez, Pure Consciousness of invention
Kyle Stewart, Conflux
Adam Lenz, A Collapsing Field of Long-Dead Stars
Seth Shafer, Hookean Elastics
Jonathan Wilson, Rotations III. 1080
Marco Ferrazza, Omen
Guillaume Chappez, Fort-Noire
Tyler Kline, Two Songs after Dylan Thomas
Bryce Craig, Crystal Ballet
Davide Wang, Unfolding
Concert 35
8-10:30, Playhouse
Ying-Ting Lin, When the Wind Rises
Dante Tanzi, Surveillance
Per Bloland, Shadows of the Electric Moon
Felipe Otondo, Night Study 2
Hunter Brown, IO
Nichola Scrutton, At First Light
Akio Mokuno, In the Sonorant
Jason Bolte, swish-swoosh
Lee Weisert & Jonathon Kirk, Granular Wall
Alice Shields, The Mud Oratorio
Andrew Demirjian, Color Yourself Inspired
Michelle Jaff, Soul Junk
Michael Musick, Four Deliberate Agents; Sonic Space No. 8 Iteration No. 3
Takafumi Ide, debacle 2015
Douglas Geers, Fathers Dream Reliquary
Workshops/Paper Presentations
Chet Udell, Workshop|Wireless Sensing
Massimo Avantaggiato, Donatoni: A Reappraisal of Quartetto III
Massimo Avantaggiato, Orient Occident: An Alternative Analysys
John Young, Oral History as Form in Electroacoustic Music
Michael Musick and Tae Hong Park, Composition Techniques for Feedback-Based Sonic Ecosystems