Fri - July 22, 2022, 12:00 am

David Liptak's "Two Nocturnes" to Release on New Focus Recordings

David Liptak's "Two Nocturnes" to Release on New Focus Recordings

On July 22nd, New Focus Recordings plans to release an album of chamber music from the American Wild Ensemble including David Liptak's Two Nocturnes. The intrepid American Wild Ensemble was formed around a project to perform new works in national parks in the US, and has continued to create exciting events outdoors in unconventional spaces, from caves to mountaintops. Their recording,Duos and Trios, features four works for combinations of cello, clarinet, and flute by Aaron Travers, David Liptak, Margaret Brouwer, and David Clay Mettens that reflect the ensembles penchant for deriving inspiration from the natural world.

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