Tue - October 16, 2012, 8:00 pm

Works by Brian Fennelly - upcoming performances by Zi Liang, piano, and Miranda Cuckson, violin, and Taka Kigawa, piano

from the ACA archivesBrian Fennelly ca. 1985(photo by Bill Hellermann)Works by Brian Fennelly to be performed this month:

Three Pieces for Piano,
Zi Liang, piano, St. Peters Church at Citigroup Center, New York, NY, October
16, 2012, 8 pm (New York Composers Circle concert); and Kythera Variations
(2012, premiere), Miranda Cuckson,
violin, and Taka Kigawa, piano, TENRI Institute, New York, NY, October 20, 2012
8pm in a program given by counter)induction ensemble sponsored by Washington
Square Contemporary Music.

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