Fri - May 7, 2021, 7:00 pm

Transient Canvas plays music of Philip Carlsen, Lansing McLoskey, Orlando Jacinto Garcia, SCI conference, May 7

Transient Canvas plays music of Philip Carlsen, Lansing McLoskey, Orlando Jacinto Garcia, SCI conference, May 7

This year's SCI National Conference goes virtual with performances by JACK Quartet, Talea Ensemble, and more. Transient Canvas is the featured ensemble on Friday night (May 7)during the weekend-long festival, which starts on May 6th.

Friday's concert listings:

Lansing McLoskey Agitprop
Rain Worthington Message Exchange
Orlando Jacinto Garcia Afternoon Tea with Satie
Wolfgang Scheitinger flutters and murmurs of an irregular heart and curious mind *
Charles Nichols It Does Not Shy Away from the Sword
Philip Carlsen EPHEMERA *

* World Premiere

2021 celebrates the 10th anniversary of the wonderful duo of Transient Canvas - bass clarinet and marimba

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