Tue - January 15, 2019, 12:00 pm

Robert Scott Thompson nominated for the German Schallwelle Prize in two categories, 2018

Robert Scott Thompson nominated for the German Schallwelle Prize in two categories, 2018

ROBERT SCOTT THOMPSON is nominated for the SCHALLWELLE (SOUND WAVE) PRIZE (Germany). TWO recent recordings are nominated in the 2018 ALBUM category and Thompson is also nominated in the 2018 ARTIST category. The nominated recordings are:
PHONOTOPOLOGICAL Acousmatique Records, San Francisco, California, and TELEMETRY Aucourant Records, Atlanta, Georgia.

The SOUNDWAVE (Schallwelle) is the German prize for musicians working in the field of electronic music. The achievements of these artists are honored, both from the perspective of an experienced jury and the listener and lover of this musical style.
Since 2009, Schallwelle together with media and event organizers active in the traditional electronic music genre orchestrate the Schallwelle Awards, where the best national and international albums and artists will be honored for their particular achievements on a per year basis. Besides artists and albums, further prizes are given to special categories for best newcomer, and, of course, a special award for great accomplishments or lifetime achievements, respectively.
While awards on albums and artists are voted for by fans of the genre and a jury together, receivers of special awards are chosen by the jury only. The fan voting is open to anyone and is held online.
In spring of the following year, the awards ceremony takes place to praise and hand over the Schallwelle to the winners of the voting.

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