You are invited to the New York premiere of Rope and Chasm, for mezzo-soprano and video
animation, composed by Matthew Greenbaum. It is an evening-length work (50') on portions of
Nietzsche's Zarathustra the composer has been working on for six years. Reut Ben Zeev has made the work her own. There will
be no intermission, so please reserve a place and get there early. Greenbaum is the curator of AMPHIBIAN, a performance series that combines new chamber music with video art.
the New
York premiere
of Matthew Greenbaums Rope and Chasm
mezzo-soprano and video animation
Reut Ben-Zeev, mezzo-soprano
May 2, 2013 8pm
at The Hi Art! Gallery
227 West 29 Street Studio 4R
New York, NY 10001
phone: 212-209-1552
fax: 917-591-3162