Australasian Computer Music Conference will welcome Robert Scott Thompson and his workNullius in Verbato their program on August 31st.Nullius in Verbatranslates from the Latin as on the word of no one. This acousmatic composition incorporates field and studio recordings and their transformation and elaboration. Sound sources include vocal, percussion, flute and cello sources together with mechanical and environmental sounds. The music is conceived as a kind of song without words inspired by Mendelssohn's philosophy on the genre: What the music I love expresses to me, is not thought too indefinite to be put into words, but on the contrary, too definite. Techniques used for the work include ambisonic spatialization and spectral transformation methods. Tools used include Kyma, Csound, Metasynth, Cecelia, Trajectory and Spat Revolution.
Nullius in Verbawas featured on ACA's album of electroacoustic music,Currents, and will make its Oceanic debut in Wellington, New Zealand.