Schoenbeck and Reinhardperforming Lied ohne Name in overtone tuningThe American Festival of Microtonal Music presents MicroFEST NYC
at Spectrum, 121 Ludlow St. in New York City. Admission
Friday, May 17th at 7pm, Microtonal Tonight Show with Johnny
Reinhard and guests Toby Twining, John Eaton, Mary Jane Leach; also on May 19th,
with music by Harry Partch, and on Friday, May 24th, music of Johnny
Reinhard, Miguel Frasconi, John Eatons Three Designs for Clarinet feartuing
David Keberlie, and (among others) a work by Stravinsky, performed by
bassoonists Reinhard with Sara Schoenbeck. For more info, 212-517-3550.
The American Festival of Microtonal Music, Inc. (AFMM) was founded by Johnny Reinhard to showcase past and contemporary
microtonal music and to introduce microtonality to the listening public. Through his direction of the AFMM and his other
individual efforts, Reinhard has almost singlehandedly revived public awareness of microtonality in the 1990's. The AFMM
has become a leader in new music activity today.