Sat - October 20, 2018, 5:00 pm

Music of David Froom and Robert Gibson at Smithsonian, with 21st C. Consort, Oct. 20

Music of David Froom and Robert Gibson at Smithsonian, with 21st C. Consort, Oct. 20

The 21st Century Consort, award-winning contemporary music ensemble-in-residence at the Smithsonian Institution for over four decades, embarks on its thirteenth season at the Smithsonian American Art Museums Nan Tucker McEvoy Auditorium. Artistic Director Christopher Kendall presents a season of new music and high drama featuring artists Paul Cigan, Lisa Emenheiser, Dan Foster, Lee Hinkle, Alexandra Osborne, Sara Stern, and Rachel Young.

ATTENDANCE IS FREE. Seating begins at 3:30. Concert is at 5:00, preceded by a 4:00 discussion with composers and performers, and followed by a post-concert reception.

1. October 20, 2018

Sites Unheard

A sly musical take on the Smithsonian American Art Museums exhibition of artist Trevor Paglen, who makes the invisible world visible via photography and video, journalism, geo-politics, and astronautical engineering, documenting the infrastructures of American surveillance. The Consort surveils music by a select database of extant American composers.

  1. Annie Gosfield -Lost Signals and Drifting Satellites
  2. Frederik Rzewski -Winnsboro Cottonmill Blues
  3. Gemma Peacocke -Lumen
  4. Robert Paterson -Star Crossing
  5. Robert Gibson -Night Music
  6. Jon Deak -Greetings from 1984
  7. David Froom -Hidden Motives

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