Thu - May 18, 2017, 8:00 pm

Louis Karchin's Prayer, with Miranda Cuckson, at Pratt Manhattan Gallery, May 18th

Louis Karchin's Prayer, with Miranda Cuckson, at Pratt Manhattan Gallery, May 18th

On Thursday, May 18, at 8 PM, opening night of the Look and Listen Festival at the Pratt Manhattan Gallery (144 W. 14th St.). Louis Karchin's solo violin piece, Prayer, will be performed by violinist Miranda Cuckson in a free concert that will also feature works by Gabriela Lena Frank, Pauline Oliveros, and Salvatore Sciarrino.

Help usher in the festivals Opening Night at Pratt Manhattan Gallery with Ione from the Deep Listening Institute who will lead Pauline Oliveros The Heart Chant. Hosted by Bill McGlaughlin, the evenings program features violinist and violist Miranda Cuckson, septet ensemble yMusic performing selections from their latest album, First, composed by Son Lux; and tenor sax quartet Battle Trance is performing an excerpt from Blade of Love.

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