Eric SchwartzArtistic director of Forecast MusicThe Triad Composers Project, Nov. 3 2011, 8:00 P.M. at The Garage,110
West 7th St., Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Tix: $10 ($5 students & seniors)
at the door. Forecast Music, the Piedmont Triads premier contemporary
music group, presents The Triad Composers Project: Works by some of the
worlds finest composers performed by some of the worlds finest
performers, all living right in our backyard! Performances will include
new pieces by Kenneth Frazelle, Lawrence Dillon, Michael Burns, Mark
Engebretson, Eric Schwartz, and Alejandro Rutty, and will feature
performances by Jacqui Carrasco, Taimur Sullivan, Carla Copeland-Burns,
James Douglass, Michael Burns, Kris Keeton, Scott OToole, and Saxton
Rose. Listen to interview on WFDD Radio with Eric Schwartz, Music Director for the School of Dance at North Carolina School for the Arts.