Fri - July 27, 2018, 12:00 pm

Flux and Fire - New Album from Robert Gibson, on Innova, July 27

Flux and Fire - New Album from Robert Gibson, on Innova, July 27

New Album release - FLUX AND FIRE

"Strings meet Poetry" - the music of Robert Gibson, with Soundings, a quartet for double basses, and Night Music, a solo for violin, viola, or cello, each recorded here, as well as Twelve Poems, for violin and piano, and the string quartets Offrande, and Flux and Fire, performed by the Aeolus Quartet, among other works. Gibson's identity as a composer is deeply connected to his experience as a performing artist. Structure and sound is often based on images of transformation. "... it is in the transience of sound that musics deepest beauty is revealed."

Out in stores and on streaming services, from Innova, July 27th.

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