Sun - May 29, 2022, 2:00 pm

Alison Nowak, two pieces for solo piano at Bennington Museum, with Marc Peloquin, May 29th

Alison Nowak, two pieces for solo piano at Bennington Museum, with Marc Peloquin, May 29th

Five Bagatelles for Piano and Toccata for Piano by Alison Nowak, played live by Marc Peloquin at the Bennington Museum (VT) on Sunday, May 29th. (link to full concert below includes music of Peter Lieberson, Franz Schubert, David Del Tredici in addition to the two works by Nowak. Two pieces received their world premieres the Nowak Toccata and the pianist's solo piano transcription of Schuberts Arpeggione Sonata.

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