Mon - June 21, 2021, 12:00 pm

Journal publication Mikrotne: Small is Beautiful", Vol. III, featuring "Microtones and the Human Psyche: The Legacy of John Eaton" by author Richard Cameron-Wolfe, June 21

Journal publication Mikrotne: Small is Beautiful", Vol. III, featuring "Microtones and the Human Psyche: The Legacy of John Eaton" by author Richard Cameron-Wolfe, June 21

The third biennial volume of "Mikrotne: Small is Beautiful", a journal of microtonal music, has been published by the International Ekmelic Music Society, in cooperation with Salzburg's Mozarteum University. This issue, edited by Agustin Castilla-Avila, encapsulates the presentations given at the Mozarteum's 2019 microtonal music symposium, including Richard Cameron-Wolfe's lecture "Microtones and the Human Psyche: The Legacy of John Eaton". This issue will soon be available from the publisher, website link hereMackinger Verlag, Salzburg, Austria, where all three volumes can be found. 25.70 Euros (ca. USD $30.50)

Composer Richard Cameron-Wolfe in this presentation, journal article, honors his mentor John Eaton, microtonalist and electronic music innovator, to perpetuate his memory and his musical legacy.

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