Sat - August 31, 2013, 7:30 pm


On Saturday, August 31, 7:30pm, at Imiloa Astronomy Center
Planetarium, 600 Imiloa Place, Hilo,Ebb & Flow Arts present an
all-new MUSIC OF THE SPHERES - electronic music with in-house 3D digital
projection, and full dome films that feature visual art by Hawaii-based

The program: Lee
Michael, Maria, and Dominik Walczuk (Mountain View, Big Island) create a full
dome film, Hoodoo Zephyr, with spectacular footage of lava flow. The
electronic music is by John Adams. Jon Magnussens (Honolulu) Round Trip will
be matched with 3D digital projection from Imiloa Planetarium, Shawn Laatsch,
director. John Melbys (Massachusetts)....of quiet desperation.... for
computer-generated electronic sound will also be choreographed with Imiloas
3d, in-house effects. Peter Swanzys (Maui) Charlie is a thought
provoking full dome film with electronic sound track based on the audio from
the films footage. Finally, Charles Wuorinens Pulitzer Prize winning and
mammoth electronic work, Times Encomium (part 2), also will feature a full
dome film of paintings by Martha Woodbury (Maui). The event is FREE
ADMISSION. It is a perfect way to celebrate Labor Day weekend!

We are thrilled
to return to Imiloa Planetarium for the fifth time with an all new program
produced by Peter Swanzy, says Robert Pollock, Executive Director of E&FA.
Several of the artists and composers from three Hawaiian islands and beyond
will be in attendance, he adds.

This event is part of E&FAs annual,
multi day, multi site, internationalNORTH SOUTH EAST WEST FESTIVAL
. NSEW Fest 2013 is produced, in part, with support from
theMakanaAloha Foundation, Aaron Copland Fund for
Music,AHSFoundation, Hawaii Tourism Authority/Maui County OED/CPEP,
John R.HalliganCharitable Fund, Maui Arts & Cultural Center,
Hawaii State Foundation on Culture & Arts, Roger Shapiro Fund for New
Music, Edward T. Cone Foundation, BMI Foundation, Imiloa Astronomy Center
Planetarium, and private contributions. Web site service provided by Maui
Web Designs.

& Flow Arts, Inc. (E&FA) is a non profit presenter of modern music and
multi media events. It is the only such presenter inHawai'i, and was
founded in 1999, by composer/pianist Robert Pollock. It aims to build bridges
between the arts and connect artistic expressions and cultures. E&FA
creates a global sound board and mirror for music and art in Hawaii. We also
teach children how to read & write music with "Scaling
Haleakala," an original curriculum.

Further information:www.ebbandflowarts.organd

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